line of portable media players by Apple Inc.
The iPod is a brand of portable media players designed and marketed by Apple Inc.

Sourced quotes
- "The most common format of music on an iPod is 'stolen'."[1] - Steve Ballmer
- Simple: The most popular type of music on an iPod are the stolen ones.
- "What customers told us was, they started to see it as a game machine."[2] - Steve Jobs
- Simple: Our customers told us that they saw the iPod touch as a game machine.
- ↑ "iPod users are music thieves says Ballmer". Silicon.com (October 4, 2004). Retrieved on August 29, 2009
- ↑ "Steve Jobs talks iPod nano with camera, iPod touch without". AppleInsider (September 10, 2009). Retrieved on September 11, 2009
Other websites
- iPod on Wikipedia
- iPod on Wikimedia Commons